Thursday, July 7, 2011

S.W.A.T intro

S.W.A.T stands for special weapons and tactics , and its an elite tactical unit. They are trained to perform high-risk operations that fall outside of the abilities of regular officers. 

The History of S.W.A.T

S.W.A.T was originally an acronym for special weapons assault team thought of by a guy called gates. But his manager Deputy Police chief Ed Davis rejected the name because it sounded too much like a military operation. So it was changed to special weopons and tactics. The first SWAT type operations were conducted north of Los Angeles in the farming community of Delano , California on the border between Kern and Tulare counties in the San Jaoquin valley.This first SWAT unit initially consisted of fifteen teams of four men each, making a total staff of sixty. These officers were given special status and benefits, and were required to attend special monthly training sessions.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Duties of S.W.A.T

*   Hostage Rescue

*   Riot Control

*   Providing superior assault firepower in certain 
     Situations such as barricaded subjects    

*   Rescuing officers or citizens endangered by gunfire

*   Counter-terrorist operations

*   Resolving high-risk situations with a minimum loss of
     Life , injury , or property damage             

*   Resolving situations involving barricaded subjects 

*   Stabilizing situations involving high-risk suicidal

*   Providing assistance on arrest and search warrants

*   providing additional security at special events

*   Special stealth operations with silenced or suppressed

*   Special Training

Introduction to S.W.A.T training

S.W.A.T in action

Interesting S.W.A.T fact

There really isn't any "standard issue" weapon for SWAT teams. Most teams, enmen within the same department carry a mix of weapons. Often, the officers have a choice.

Pistols, rifles, shotguns submachineguns, tasers, pepper spray, batons, tear gas grenades, tear gas "foggers," bean bag guns etc